Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Fourth Jivin

Following his fight with bandits and snow bears, Jivin regenerated into a fairly youthful Bosmer male with a preference toward frost resistance. He delivered Uthgerd's armor to her home in Whiterun and traveled alone for some time before enlisting the help of a nameless mercenary. Following a trek through Kagrenzel, he came face to face with a particularly powerful bandit mage, who forced him to regenerate through a volley of fireballs.

Race: Bosmer
Sex: Male
Date of Regeneration: 7th of Hearthfire
Cause of Regeneration: Defeated by a Bandit Mage
Tenure: Two days
Weapon of choice: Glass hatchet and Ebony sword
Armor of Choice: Yeti cap and Steel Circlet, later replaced with Helm of Yngol, Nordic Steel Armor, later replaced with Nordic Armor

Companion: Orc Mercenary Warrior

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