Saturday, September 28, 2013

Third Jivin

Following a deadly battle with a Draugr Deathlord in in Lost Valkygg, Jivin regenerated again into a Bosmer. He began to dual wield with silver swords, as well as making more use of his Petrify spell. He continued adventuring with Uthgerd for 4 days before being overwhelmed by snow bears and bandits. Uthgerd was lost to these bears as well, and to add insult to injury, the bears had been charmed by Jivin with his Command Animal power, only to turn on him once it wore off.

Race: Bosmer
Sex: Male
Date of Regeneration: 5th of Hearthfire
Cause of Regeneration: Battle with snow bears and bandits
Tenure: Four days
Weapon of choice: Two Third Era Silver Swords
Armor of Choice: Steel Plate Armor, Yeti Cap, Knight's Crest

Uthgerd the Unbroken (lost to snow bears)

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