Saturday, September 14, 2013

"I might never make sense again! I might have two heads, or no head. Imagine me with no head, ha! And don't say that's an improvement...But it's a bit dodgy, this process. You never know what you're going to end up with..."

For no good reason at all I decided to play one of my characters in Skyrim as a Time Lord, and set some arbitrary rules for myself.
I have set my character to essential with the console using  the command

setessential 00000007 1

Whenevermy character enters the bleedout state, I try to finish what they were doing or get them somewhere safe. Then I use the command showracemenu and change their appearance.
My character also has a TARDIS, which serves as his home.

The rules I follow are thus:
1. When my character enters bleed-out for whatever reason, he heals and runs from battle, usually taking refuge in the TARDIS.
2. Once in the TARDIS, I open the character creation menu with the console and randomly pick a race and gender, as well as physical appearances. Some incarnations are more random than others.
3. If his race changes, some of his skills will naturally reset, and I have to accommodate any changes (for instance, switching to Light Armor)
4. He must rest for 15 hours after regeneration, or finish what he started when he regenerated. During these 15 hours, he will not regenerate again.
5. About one day minimum between incarnations.

I've posted information about each incarnation on this blog, and will update with each regeneration

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