Saturday, October 05, 2013

Sixth Jivin

After being defeated and poisoned, Jivin regenerated into a female Argonian. This regeneration was very difficult, and required more rest and healing than usual. After wandering Skyrim alone, Jivin enlisted the help of an Argonian Conjurer Mercenary, whose mastery of magic was very helpful. During her travels with the mercenary, Jivin obtained the Sanguine Rose, a Glass Scimitar and the Pale Blade, all of which she used very often, particularly in large battles, dual wielding the swords when necessary, and summoning a Dremora with the Rose when necessary. Her tenure was ended by a group of bandits in Treva's Watch.
Having the Rose as a primary weapon is rather fitting, isn't it?
The tenure of the Sixth Jivin was the longest recorded tenure except for the 1st Jivin and since the tenure of the Second Jivin is unknown.

Race: Argonian
Sex: Female
Date of Regeneration: 14th of Hearthfire
Tenure: Five days
Cause of regeneration: Bandits in Treva's Watch
Weapon of choice: A combination of two of the following: Petrify, Glass Scimitar, Sanguine Rose, Third Era Silver Sword, The Pale Blade, Flames, Mirror Shield of the Well.
Armor of Choice: Yeti Cap, Knight's Crest, Nordic Armor, later replaced with Seratic Cuirass.

Companion: Argonian Mercenary Conjurer

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